Bible School

Bible School on Wheels


Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: TEACHING THEM to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”


Teach Every Nation – Bible School on Wheels is a powerful tool to enable every child of God to fulfil this command given by Jesus Christ. In a simple manner it equips a child of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by firstly understanding the Bible better and providing tools to minister to others.


Course subjects are as follow:

  • Anyone can become a great communicator: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.
  • A survey of the Bible: Understanding the books, places, story, people and periods.
  • How to double your Church, Business and Personal Productivity.
  • 70×7 Finding peace by forgiving others and yourself.
  • What on earth is God doing in my life?
  • Royal lessons of leadership: 40 Lessons from the kings of Judah.
  • Become a transformed woman.
  • Equipping leaders – leaving a legacy.
  • Discover yourself and others.
  • Foundations of Youth ministry.

The starter pack is equipped with material for ten students. It consists of Super Books for each student, DVD’s of the first five courses, internet links to download the last five courses (free), advertising material and posters, student and dean registration, dean training manual and certificates of completion.


All material is of high quality and can be shipped anywhere.


Please direct enquiries to: Cobus van Heerden    082 454 6569

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