
Inner Restoration and Freedom


Past. Marina van Heerden


Important daily applications and spirit fight for victory.

  1. Subject to God:

Prayer: – Father, I submit to You again today. (Jas.4:7) Anoint and bless yourself every day – including your children and spouse.

  1. Become a child of God: Give your life to Father and make sure you are a child of God.

Prayer: I come today and with my mouth I confirm or reaffirm to the world and also to Satan and his powers, that I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ became flesh and came to earth and died and rose for me, and that Jesus Christ is my King, my Lord, my Savior, my Savior, my Savior, and my Friend, and I now accept Him. It now makes me a child of the Living Almighty God, thanks to Jesus Christ for that. (Rom.10:9 & 10; John.1:12)

  1. Renewal of thoughts:

Prayer: – Father, please renew my mind today and remove what is not from You and give me divine thoughts, Godly thoughts, a mind of Christ. (Rom.12:2, Eph.4:23)

  1. Capturing thoughts:

Prayer: – Father, please help me to capture my thoughts for obedience to You. How: When identifying negative thoughts, say out loud “Jesus Christ” and fill your mind with Jesus Christ, by praying, telling how much you love Him, thanking Him, reading the Bible, and praising and worshiping Father.

Then Satan cannot enter.
Apply it all day. (2Cor.10:4 & 5)

  1. Armour:

Prayer: Father comes to restore, renew and please strengthen my armour for this day’s battle ahead. (Efes.6:13)

  1. Mental Resilience:

Prayer: – Father, please make me spiritually resilient for this day ahead and raise my spirit to its full potential for the day so that I will be focused on Your Holy Spirit’s guidance and teaching. Help me to reign in my spirit and not react to things. (Ex.31:3, 1Sam.10:6)

  1. Curses spoken by people: – Break curses that have been spoken over you every morning and evening and also ask forgiveness for the curses you have spoken over people and ask the Lord to heal the spiritual wounds that these curses may have caused. Also, ask Father to stop the sound waves, frequency as well as the energy of the curses uttered.

Prayer: Father, I come now and I break every curse or negative word spoken over me, my family, work / profession, health and finances by any person. I forgive those people for whatever they spoke, I release them and take them off my back, I bless them and I ask that You bless them. I also come to confess any curses / negatives I have expressed over any person, please forgive me and cancel it over their lives and bodies and bring healing. Abba Father I ask that You will now stop the sound waves, frequency and energy of all the negative words (curses) so that it can no longer manifest. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen (Num.23:8)

  1. Inner Oaths: Negative words you speak about yourself.

Prayer: I also bring every inner oath that I have spoken over myself before You, You know about each one, I am sorry for it and I ask that You will now forgive me for it and remove it from me so that Satan cannot use it. Abba Father I ask that You will now stop the sound waves, frequency and energy of all the negative words (curses) so that it can no longer manifest. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen (Num.23:8, Deut.28:1 & 15, Psa.59:12)

  1. Curses on finances: – Break curses on the money paid into your bank account (salary), as well as any cash you receive from people, before you use it. Also break the “Masonic waters” curse on your finances. Finances are controlled in the world by the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Also break the curses and hold of water spirits viz. Leviatan, Abcon and Abertaa (They hinder financial progress and profit making) over your finances.

Prayer: Father, I am now bringing these finances that I have received before You. Thank you very much for Your provision, but I am coming now and I am now breaking any curses that has been uttered or holding on to this money that I have received in the Name of Jesus Christ. Abba Father, I ask that You will now stop the sound waves, frequency and energy of all the negative words (curses) so that it can no longer manifest. In the Name of Jesus Christ. I also break the “Masonic waters” curse of Freemasonry over my finances, in the Name of Jesus Christ, as well as any curses or holdings of any water spirits viz. Leviathan, Abcon or Abertaa who block and steal my progress and profit making in the Name of Jesus Christ. Please also give me wisdom and insight to manage my finances properly so that it is in Your will. Amen

  1. Provision: God does not give us what we need today, yesterday or tomorrow. Remember that God alone is your provider, not your husband or your wife or work. (Deut.28:8,11,12)

    Prayer: Father, please provide for me and my family’s needs for the day ahead, in spirit, soul and body.

  1. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: You can ask for baptism in the Holy Spirit at any time, every day, and any time you need the power of God. You can ask for it more than once in a day.

Prayer: – Father please baptize / fulfill me with Your Spirit and with Your power from on high, so that Your fruit of the Spirit will manifest in me in this day so that people will see it and I can testify of Your goodness and favor in me live and give You the glory, and that I will have power for the day and battle ahead. Please send an angel to strengthen me, as You sent Jesus in the garden before His crucifixion, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen (Acts 1:8; Eze.37:14)

  1. Authority: Take up your authority in Christ and resist Satan in the Name of Jesus. (Luk.17:21)

Prayer: Father, I come now and I submit myself and everything I have now to You and I now oppose Satan in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your word says that if I oppose Satan, he will flee from me. Satan, you no longer have a right to me or my, for example: finance, marriage, body. In the Name of Jesus Christ I command you and your powers of darkness to disappear from my life.
We must rule and not react (emotions, action and body language).

  1. When rotten fruit manifests again – First, confess the fruit and ask forgiveness, take away the weapon that Satan uses against you and use it against him and then cast Satan out of your life. Important!!! Apply this right away every time a negative fruit manifests in your life. E.g.: anger

Prayer: Sorry Lord, that I got angry, please forgive me for this, satan you will not attack me further with anger, for God has already healed me from anger and gave me His Peace, in the Name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Eph.4:31, Lev.26:40, Prov.28:13, 1Joh.1:9)

  1. Emotional soul ties: Loose the emotional soul ties every day with the people you interact with, as well as your work when you go home in the afternoon.

Prayer: Father, I loosen all attachments of all networks formed between people and me in my brain (negative thoughts), my heart brain (where emotion center is) and my gut brain (fear and bitterness). I now pull out all the networks from my body that have emotionally attached me to people and their territory. I cancel and neutralize those attachments with the blood of Jesus Christ as well as what I formed with my work (if I go home tonight) in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen (Mat.18:18)

  1. Soul Ties with Medication – Spirit of Pharmakya are involved.

Prayer: Father, I loosen all attachments from all soul tie networks formed between me and the manufacturers, distributors of any addictive substance and medication used in my brain (negative thoughts), my heart brain (where emotion center is) and my gut brain (fear and bitterness). I now pull out all the networks of it from my body and cancel and neutralize it with the blood of Jesus Christ. Now flush with Jesus Christ’s blood through the fats and fibers of my body and neutralize all the substances left behind as a result of the medication or addictive substances I used in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen (Matt.16:19, Matt. 18:18)

  1. DNA leaving my body: Donated blood, blood drawn for tests, surgeries, blood left at accidents, baby placentas, condoms, sanitary napkins / tampons.

Prayer: Father, I declare a divorce between me and the blood / DNA that left my body and I take the two cutting sword of Heb.4:12 and I cut the soul tie between me and the blood / DNA that left my body. I declare in the spirit that that DNA is dead, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Do this every day. (Lev.17:11 & 14)

  • Receive blood / bone / organ: When blood is received through blood transfusions, bone graft or organ transplant

Prayer: Father, thank you for the blood I received and bless the people I received it and cleanse my blood with the blood of Jesus Christ and remove everything that came in that is not from You in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen

  • Spirit transfer by touch

Prayer: Father, I bring my hands and body before You today, please break the yoke of Satan over my hands and body with Your anointing so that wherever I touch or where ever someone touches me – there will be no spirit transfer between me and people and people and me, except the Holy Spirit. (1Tim.5:22, Isa.10:27)

  • Communion: Use the covenant meal as often as possible. It establishes you very much. (1Cor.11:25) Bread – Jesus’ body that was broken for us and brought healing for us and for our needs. Jesus’ blood that flowed for the forgiveness of our sins and so that we can forgive and for the confession of our sins. His blood that cleansed us.
  • Give no place to the devil. (Eph.4:27) Beware of the right you give to Satan in your home, and territory and your life.

Satan does not attack you as a person, but the territory of the truth of Father within you. He steals the territory of God in your life by posting his blueprint (false plan) of lies over God’s blueprint of the truth in your life. It causes doubt, disbelief and distrust, and if you doubt or don’t believe what Father can do and do not trust Him, Satan takes that territory and erects an altar what demons holds in place.

Territories in your life

1. Intimacy with Abba Father   2. Marriage
3. Relationships   4. Finance
5. Thoughts   6. Value
7. Words   8. Body
9. Protection / security 10. Peace
11. Joy 12. Faith & hope
13. Emotions 14. Ministry / work
15. Senses 16. Possessions
17. Addictions 18. Obedience – choices I make
19. Time 20. Walk with God – physically where I       walk
21. Physical territory


Prayer for taking back your territory

Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I renounce all my reactions, participation, involvement and emotions in every situation where I surrender my territory to Satan. I now confess it as a sin and ask You to please forgive me. I submit myself and my territory now unto You. I speak division and confusion between the seal-demon and the strongman over each altar on my territory. I break every demonic seal on my territory. I command all seal-demons who keep the seals in place and every demon under their command that hold those altars in place to now leave my territory, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I break down every altar that Satan has erected on my territory.  I cancel every blood or other ritual performed on the altars and I destroy all things used with the blood of Jesus Christ and declare them powerless in the Name of Jesus Christ. I cancel and break every contract and covenant made with the kingdom of darkness concerning every altar and destroy every “totem pole” on the four corners of the altars and any other “totems” erected in the Name of Jesus Christ and declare it powerless. I cancel and break every negative influence of every sign made on my territory as a sign of an existing covenant with the kingdom of darkness. I now loosen all attachments of all soul tie networks between me and the priests and satanic watchers appointed over the altars and the altars themselves and pull out and cancel the networks that have formed around my brain, heart brain and gut brain in the Name of Jesus Christ. I demand all territory back from Satan and return it to You Abba Father. Father, come and cleanse, restore and heal my territory now and make it holy again. Father, please come and rule over my territory again. Teach me to watch over my territory and speak life through Your Word. Father, give me a spirit of discernment and make me spiritually resilient so that I will be attuned to Your Holy Spirit’s guidance and teaching so that I can identify the enemy’s attack and resist it. Father, empower me now with Your power and strength so that I can rule over my territory with You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I am now erecting an altar for Abba Father in my territory of prayer, praise and worship. In the name of Jesus Christ.


  • Build Relationship: Spend time building relationships with God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, through Bible reading and prayer. In your inner room and throughout the day. Father says know me in everything. (Job.33:6)
  • Pray in the Spirit: Pray in your spirit or family spirit using Heb.4:12.

Prayer: Lord, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ and I separate my/the person you are praying for spirit and soul with the two-edged sword of Hebrews 4:12. Soul of person, you will retreat in the name of Jesus Christ, you will submit to God and be still. Spirit of person stand forward and receive the Word of God. Pray biblical promises and scripture in the person’s spirit. Not your own wishes or will as this is spiritual witchcraft. When finished ask Abba to restore the Godly order of the person as he/she/you was created according to His Word. That you/the person will firstly operate in spirit then in soul and then in the flesh and that your/person’s spirit will reign and ask Abba to teach you to reign in spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Heb.4:12)

          How to pray into the Spirit


  1. Submit yourself to God.
  2. Separate soul and spirit (Heb.4:12) – order your soul to retreat in the name of Jesus, submit to God and be still.
  3. Ask your spirit to step into the light, connect with the Holy Spirit and receive that which Abba wants to give to you.
  4. Ask Father to reveal to you the teaching which He wants to give to you in spirit.
  5. Call your soul to submission unto your spirit.
  6. Ask the Holy Spirit to restore the Godly order in your life. Spirit, soul and body.
  7. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to reign from your spirit and to lift up your spirit to its full potential.
  8. Fulfilment with the Holy Spirit.


  1. Place the person before God.
  2. Separate soul and spirit (Heb.4:12) – order their soul to retreat in the name of Jesus, submit to God and be still.
  3. Ask their spirit to forgive all pain
  4. Bless them in the spirit and pray the Word of God into their spirit
  5. Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm this to them.
  6. Ask their spirit to take control over soul and body.
  7. Call their soul to submission unto their spirit.
  8. Ask the Holy Spirit to restore the Godly order in their life. Spirit, soul and body.
  9. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach them to reign from their spirit and to lift up their spirit to its full potential.
  10. Fulfilment with the Holy Spirit.



  • Prayer for your spouse: Husband and wife – if you notice that Satan steals in your spouse’s life and he / she does not notice it, then you, as spouse, can bind Satan through your body in his / her body. You can’t chase him away because it’s his / her life, he / she has to make the decision. The Word says you are one flesh and that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. (Mat.19:5)

Prayer: Lord, I come now in the Name of Jesus Christ and because Your Word says that I and my husband / wife are one flesh, I put Satan and his demons tea in his / her body and I bind Satan and his demons his / her life. Lord, please open my husband / wife’s spirit eyes and ears so that he / she can see where Satan and his demons are stealing, slaughtering and destroying in his / her life so that he / she can part with it. Amen.

  • Forgiveness

Forgive the person, acquit them (set them free), remove them from your back and give them to Jesus Christ. Bless them and ask Abba to bless them in the name of Jesus Christ. Do this as soon as possible after an incident and also every time their name comes into your thoughts. Forgiveness releases us from bondage. Should you still experience negative feelings or thoughts repeat this process and resist the Satan by reminding him that you have already forgiven this person and that he will not bind you with a lie. Apply this process until your do not experience any negative thoughts or feelings. Cut the emotional soul ties between you and this person as well as the situation and release the situations as well. Also remember to forgive yourself and God and set yourself and God free. (Mar.11:25)

Prayer: Father I forgive (person’s name) for what they have done to hurt me, disappoint me, where they dishonoured, rejected and cursed me, I acquit them, remove them from my back, bless them and ask You to bless them, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  • Confession of sin: Confess your sins every day and if you are married (or sexually involved) your husband’s / wife’s sins are as well as your own and ask forgiveness.

Prayer: Father, I come to You now in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ. I thank You that Your Word states that if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just and You remove it from me as far as the east of the west. Therefore, I now come and confess (mention sin) that I have committed today, before You as well as all my wrong thoughts, wrong words or wrong deeds as well as those of my spouse. I confess it as sin. I place it before Your throne and I ask that You now please forgive and acquit me. Now wash me clean with the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank God that I know You are now truly forgiving me in the Name of Jesus Christ and with gratitude I now accept Your forgiveness. Amen (1John.1:9, Prov.28:13, Isa.59:2, Mat.19:5 & 6, 1Cor.6:16, Eph.5:31.)

  • Speak life (Word and positive words) about yourself, family, finances, work and circumstances every day.
  • Testify daily to people about what Father has done in your life. (Rev.12:11)


  • Praise and worship: Praise and praise the Lord for each new day’s protection, provision, peace, joy, wisdom and insight. (Heb.13:15, Ps.40:3)


  • Focus, press through and watch: It is very important to keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and not on your circumstances. Also, do not talk about the circumstances all the time, but speak the outcome you do not yet see. This is faith. (Heb.11:1) Prayer door with prayer, no matter what your circumstances, and watch out that Satan does not steal your territory through doubt, disbelief, lies and you give it away by sin yourself.
    1 Cor.6:16, Eph.5:31)


  • Faith: Speak God’s promises out loud every day so that it may be seeded in your spirit, so that the harvest may manifest in your life. (Heb.11:1, Isa.55:11, Rom.10:17, Rom.8:24, Luk.8:11, Prov.23:7)


  • Breaking patterns: Anything that repeats at the same time / month / year in your life is a pattern.

Prayer – Abba Father please break this pattern of (name pattern) that keeps repeating in my life, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  • Clean your physical home: Remove any non-Father’s items; any idols (any things that are worshiped or still worshiped). There are DVDs available on this topic. (Clean your house – Tiaan Gildenhuys). Also, ask the Holy Spirit if you feel uncomfortable with an article in your home. He is faithful and will show you.
  • Know Father in Everything You Do: In Every Area of Your Life. Ask Father if what you want to do is right. When you get stuck with a problem in your work, situations, walk, Father asks what you need to do.
  • Physical Healing: We usually ask Father to heal us. Jesus Christ and the disciples commanded healing. The Word says that we were healed because of Jesus Christ’s wounds when He was afflicted (1 Peter 2:24) and He said on the cross that it was complete and the Word also says that His kingdom was near (Mat.4:17, Mat.10.7, Mat12:28). Kingdom is authoritarian. Jesus Christ gave us the authority back when He died and rose for us. So we must command our bodies to heal from any ill. Specify the disease.

Prayer: E.g.: pain in body. I command this pain to leave my body now in the Name of Jesus Christ and I command my body to align with the Word of God, for the Word says I am healed because of Jesus Christ’s wounds when He was afflicted. Brought me bodily healing. Jesus Christ also said it was accomplished on the cross (it is done) when He died and His kingdom came near in Jesus Christ’s Name. So body I command you to align with God’s Word and heal in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.

35. BloodlinesConfess and ask forgiveness for all bonds, curses, sins of ancestors and parents, character traits and tendencies, blood related covenants with the kingdom of darkness they have entered into, addictions, diseases, fornication, etc. – then declare it void and cancel it over you and your descendants.  Epigenetic marks on DNA of the 4 generations above you – ask for healing and that Father will remove it and wash your DNA clean with the blood of Jesus Christ. Then look specifically at sins that continue to be repeated in the ancestors and present generations. It is usually altars that were erected in the bloodlines.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before You in the Name of Jesus Christ and confess the sins of my ancestors through curses, iniquities, fornication, diseases, bonds, tendencies and characteristics which could come down on me and my descendants.

Father, here I think of, for example: All kinds of iniquity, fornication, wickedness, anger, mischievousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, bearers of news, slanderers, haters of God, violent, pride, boasters, inventors of evil, disobedience to parents and to You, unwise, idolaters, adulterers, lust, sodomites, thieves, greedy, drunkards, robbers, adultery, impurity, vultures, unbounded, anger, enmity, jealousy, bickering, dissension (partisanship), envy, blood covenants they have committed with the kingdom of darkness, brasserie and any organizations to which they belong that are not from You and anything I have not mentioned above.

Father I now confess these things as sins of my ancestors. I also confess my own involvement in it. I ask that You will forgive me and I also forgive my ancestors.

Now I break every curse, injustice, disease, bondage, tendency or character trait and fornication on me and my descendants in the Name of Jesus Christ and please turn it into a blessing.

Father, I loosen every network of soul ties formed in the bloodline between me, my descendants and my ancestors and any organizations to which they belong that are not from You. I now pull out the networks that formed around me and my descendants’ brain, heart brain and gut brain and cancel and destroy them with the blood of Jesus Christ in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Father come remove and also heal all Epigeneric markers that appear on me and my descendants’ DNA from the four generations above us, wash it clean with the blood of Jesus Christ.

I confess my share where I also sacrificed on the altars that my ancestors erected for the kingdom of darkness in my bloodline, as well as the altars that I myself erected in my bloodline and I ask Your forgiveness for that Father.  I speak division and confusion between the seal-demon and the strongman over each altar in my bloodline. I break every demonic seal in my bloodline over me and my descendant’s. I command all seal-demons who keeps the seals in place and every demon under their command that held those altars in place to now leave my bloodline, in the Name of Jesus Christ. I break down every altar that Satan has erected in my bloodlines.  I cancel every blood or other ritual performed on the altars and I destroy all things used with the blood of Jesus Christ and declare them powerless in the Name of Jesus Christ. I cancel and break every contract and covenant made with the kingdom of darkness concerning every altar and destroy every “totem pole” on the four corners of the altars and any other “totems” erected in the Name of Jesus Christ and declare it powerless. I cancel and break every negative influence of every sign made on our bodies as a sign of an existing covenant with the kingdom of darkness. I now loosen all attachments of all soul tie networks between me, my descendants’ and the priests and satanic watchers appointed over the altars and the altars themselves and pull out and cancel the networks that have formed around me and my descendants’ brain, heart brain and gut brain in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I am now erecting an altar for Abba Father in my bloodline of prayer, praise and worship. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, I ask that You will now open the blessings that come down in my bloodlines over my life and also over those of my descendants’ lives, and bind it to me and my descendants in spirit and flesh, so that it will manifest in the physical. Please also tie me and my descendants’ to the bloodline of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Those who conquer will:
Rev.3:5 “He that overcometh shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life; and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.”
Rev.3:21 “To him that overcometh will I give to sit with me upon my throne, even as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father upon his throne.”


May you experience God’s love, peace and joy in your life every day.

If you have been blessed by this ministry, please consider donating to the ministry so that I can take this message further to reach more people for God’s kingdom so that they can also experience healing and deliverance just like you. Father bless you a hundred fold for what you sow.


Thank you


Jesus love

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Marina van Heerden                                           MCJ van Heerden

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