“I Love the Lord Because…”

“I Love the Lord Because…”


Psa 116:1 “I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.”


How would you finish this sentence? “I love the Lord because…”


Obviously, most would answer, “…because He first loved me.” OK. But now moving on to something that requires a little more thought on our part, take another pass at it. “I love the Lord because…”


The Psalmist says, “Because He has heard my voice and my supplications.”


The Amplified Bible says, “He has heard and now hears my voice.” Other translations say things like, “You have answered my prayers,” or “You have heard my pleas for mercy,” and also, “You have heard my cry for Your favor.”


So, if someone were to ask you, “Why do you love the Lord?”, could you put it in an answer so succinct as this? Or, is your love for the Lord rather ambiguious? Take a moment and compile a list, a meaningful list, of the specific reasons why you love the Lord. You just might find that your faith will begin to strengthen and your love will begin to deepen.


As for me? I love the Lord because He has proven Himself true to His Word over and over again in my life. His guidance and the promises is fulfilled or is in the processes to be fulfilled. Yes, I love the Lord because He is faithful.


Everyone who loves the Lord has a definite answer they can give as to why. So, how about you? What answer will you give?


“Lord Jesus. Thank you for what You did on the cross, for me. Please help me to give an answer to You, to this question, my heart.”