The Dumbest Kid in the World

The Dumbest Kid in the World


1 Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;


I once read the following story and learned a great lesson:


There was this guy, a barber working on a customer, who noticed through the window a boy approaching the Barber Shop. “Hey, see that kid?” he asked the customer. “That’s the dumbest kid in the world! Watch closely what happens when he comes in here.”


The door opened and the kid came walking into the Barber Shop. “Good morning, Mister,” the kid said. “Why, good morning to you,” the Barber answered. “Say, you want to play our game again?”


“I sure do!” the kid excitedly replied.


The Barber whispered to the customer, “Watch this.” Placing a R20 note in one hand, and two R5 coins in the other, the Barber said to the kid, “Now, which of these do you want?”


The kid looked at the R20 note, then looked at the two R5 coins. After a moment’s pause, he grabbed the coins, smiled real big and said, “Gee, thanks, Mister!” And then walked out the door.


“What did I tell you,” the Barber said to his customer. “That kid is dumber than a stump! He does that every time he comes in here.”


A short time later the customer, upon leaving the Barber Shop, saw the kid coming out of the Candy Store. “Hey kid,” the customer said, “why didn’t you take the R20 note?”


The kid looked up with a wry smile and answered, “Mister, the day I take that R20 — the game is all over!”


Turns out the Barber was dumber than the dumbest kid in the world! And the same is true of many others.


Jesus said in Luk 10:21 … I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.Let us choose to become like the boy in the story, then God can reveal His wisdom to us.


Do not be discouraged when spiritually wise and prudent people call you dumb or a baby Christian. The Apostle Paul wrote the following to Timothy, Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.1 Ti 4:12. The wisdom of God will be revealed to you.


“Lord Jesus, You have used children as examples in many of your teachings because children do not doubt their fathers. I want to be like a child to you. Please help me not to doubt you and use me as an example to those around me. Amen.”